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Aurora Borealis, Northern Lights
Dutch version

This webpage is dedicated to observing aurora borealis or northern lights. From the Netherlands the auroral lights are only visible during the maximum of a solar cycle, so once in roughly 11 years. But a couple of years around the maximum you will have change to observe the northern lights from Holland too. If you like to have much more change to observe the northern lights then you have to travel to very northerly locations. Such as the Lofoten islands in the high north of Norway! And you can increase your changes even more when a so called Coronal Hole passes by near the center of the suns surface.

22 march 2009 - Lofoten 21 january 2005 - De Bilt 30 october 2003 - De Bilt, Houdringe 13 march 1989 - De Bilt
Lofoten, march 2009 De Bilt, january 2005 Houdringe, october 2003 De Bilt, march 1989

The sun is starting "to wake up again" so we are anxiously awaiting the first CME to produce a nice Auroral display over the Netherlands!

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